These are my notes from 15th lecture of discrete mathematics course taught at Arsdigita university by Shai Simonson. Other posts relating to this are here.
This lecture covers Generating Functions(a way to represent sequences), their usage in solving some counting problems and recurrance equations.
Here are my notes...
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Discrete Maths, Lecture-14 - Discrete Probability
These are my notes from 14th lecture of discrete mathematics course taught at Arsdigita university by Shai Simonson. Other posts relating to this are here.
This lecture introduces basic discrete probability, mainly the two things..
1. P(A) = #of favorable cases where A happen / total # of cases
2. Probability of A, given B has happened
P(A|B) = P(A /\ B) / P(B)
Here are my notes...
This lecture introduces basic discrete probability, mainly the two things..
1. P(A) = #of favorable cases where A happen / total # of cases
2. Probability of A, given B has happened
P(A|B) = P(A /\ B) / P(B)
Here are my notes...
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Discrete Maths, ProblemSet#5
These are my solutions to 5th problem set of discrete mathematics course taught at Arsdigita university by Shai Simonson. Other posts relating to this are here.
Doing this problem set makes me realize that One needs to continually practice solving counting problems to learn permutation-combination properly by heart, it really becomes confusing pretty quickly for not-so-trivial cases.
Anyway, Here are my solutions...
Doing this problem set makes me realize that One needs to continually practice solving counting problems to learn permutation-combination properly by heart, it really becomes confusing pretty quickly for not-so-trivial cases.
Anyway, Here are my solutions...
anonymous class in scala
Scala also supports java style syntax of defining anonymous classes. Take a look at this code snippet from Actor companion object definition in Actor.scala from scala actors library.
/* Notice the argument of actor method, its a
* no-arg(not empty arg list)
* function that returns Unit */
def actor(body: => Unit): Actor = {
/* Here java style syntax of anonymous classes is being used.
* we're creating an instance not of Actor class but a anonymous
* subclass that is implementing a method act() which is declared
* in trait Reactor(also its evident that its not mandatory to use
* keyword override when implementing something from the trait)
* and overriding scheduler. */
val a = new Actor {
def act() = body
override final val scheduler: IScheduler = parentScheduler
/* also see that actor is started right here. */
type param in method name in scala
Type parameters can be specified with methods also like in the example below...
They're being used in receive method in Actor class, lets take a look at the signature of receive
The advantage is that we automatically get the type checking done to be sure that return type of receive is gonna be same as the second type parameter of the PartialFunction.
scala> def A[a](b:a){ println(b) }
A: [a](a)Unit
scala> A[String]("hi")
scala> A[String](2)
:6: error: type mismatch;
found : Int(2)
required: String
They're being used in receive method in Actor class, lets take a look at the signature of receive
def receive[R](f: PartialFunction[Any, R]):R
The advantage is that we automatically get the type checking done to be sure that return type of receive is gonna be same as the second type parameter of the PartialFunction.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Discrete Maths, Lecture-13 : Counting-III
These are my notes from 13th lecture of discrete mathematics course taught at Arsdigita university by Shai Simonson. Other posts relating to this are here.
This lecture covers following topics..
1. Inclusion-Exclusion principle (a generalization of sum rule using same theorem from set theory)
2. Pigeonhole Principle
3. Derrangement Problem
Here are my notes...
This lecture covers following topics..
1. Inclusion-Exclusion principle (a generalization of sum rule using same theorem from set theory)
2. Pigeonhole Principle
3. Derrangement Problem
Here are my notes...
Friday, September 18, 2009
Discrete Maths, Lecture-12 : Counting-II
These are my notes from 12th lecture of discrete mathematics course taught at Arsdigita university by Shai Simonson. Other posts relating to this are here.
This lecture covers generalized permutation and combinations (that basically means repetition is allowed). Though there are "formulae" presented for each case but more emphasis is(and should be) given to how we can think and solve the problems of generalized permutation and combinations using the already covered 5 principles and simple permutation/combination. The intention of this lecture is not to give you the formula but to teach you how you reach to them.
Here are my notes...
This lecture covers generalized permutation and combinations (that basically means repetition is allowed). Though there are "formulae" presented for each case but more emphasis is(and should be) given to how we can think and solve the problems of generalized permutation and combinations using the already covered 5 principles and simple permutation/combination. The intention of this lecture is not to give you the formula but to teach you how you reach to them.
Here are my notes...
Thursday, September 17, 2009
combination formula and recursion
Today, while solving some problems in counting I tried to relate the combination formula and recursion.
The idea is, can we derive combination formula using recursion?
Let us start with a particular case.
How many ways can we make groups of 2 out of n people?
Let T(n) be the answer for n people.
Let us think wishfully and see if we can get to solution for n when solution for n-1 is known.
From above table, it is easy to observe that
T(n) = T(n-1) + (n-1)
We can solve this recurrence using substitution and see that
T(n) = n(n-1)/2
which is indeed (n combination 2).
How many ways can we make group of k ppl out of n ppl?
Let it be denoted by T(n,k).
Clearly, T(k,k) = 1
We can apply the process as in above case by solving for T(n,3), T(n,4) etc and easily see that
T(n,k) = T(n-1, k) + T(n-1, k-1)
The idea is, can we derive combination formula using recursion?
Let us start with a particular case.
How many ways can we make groups of 2 out of n people?
Let T(n) be the answer for n people.
Let us think wishfully and see if we can get to solution for n when solution for n-1 is known.
[n] | [# of pairs] | [pairs] |
2 - A,B | 1 | (A,B) |
3 - A,B,C | 3 | (A,B);(B,C);(C,A) |
4 - A,B,C,D | 6 | (A,B);(B,C);(C,D);(D,A);(A,C);(B,D) |
From above table, it is easy to observe that
T(n) = T(n-1) + (n-1)
We can solve this recurrence using substitution and see that
T(n) = n(n-1)/2
which is indeed (n combination 2).
How many ways can we make group of k ppl out of n ppl?
Let it be denoted by T(n,k).
Clearly, T(k,k) = 1
We can apply the process as in above case by solving for T(n,3), T(n,4) etc and easily see that
T(n,k) = T(n-1, k) + T(n-1, k-1)
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Discrete Maths, Lecture-11 : Counting-I
These are my notes from 11th lecture of discrete mathematics course taught at Arsdigita university by Shai Simonson. Other posts relating to this are here.
In Summary, this lecture covers following things...
Here are my notes....
Note: Unless specified otherwise, in these notes n objects implicitly mean n distinct objects.
In Summary, this lecture covers following things...
- 5 important principles of counting(2 official and 3 unofficial ones) namely Multiplication principle, Addition principle, Counting the Opposite, Counting double and Just another principle.
- Permutation and Combination(and its relation to Binomial coefficients)
- Interesting observations of Pascal's triangle
- Ways to prove theorems using counting arguments.
Here are my notes....
Note: Unless specified otherwise, in these notes n objects implicitly mean n distinct objects.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
SICP Constraint Network Impl code in Scala
I wrote the code for digital circuit simulator from SICP to contrast my scala coding style with that of Martin Odersky(he wrote same in his book "Programming in Scala"). These are the two(part-I, part-II) posts about that.
To enhance my learnings and to write some more code, Now I implemented the constraint propagation network from SICP section-3.3.5 too.
Here is the code...
To enhance my learnings and to write some more code, Now I implemented the constraint propagation network from SICP section-3.3.5 too.
Here is the code...
//all the Constraint implementations
//extend the Constraint class
abstract class Constraint {
def informAboutValue()
def informAboutNoValue()
//Connector implementation
class Connector {
private var myName = "Unknown"
private var myVal:Int = _
private var informant:AnyRef = _
private var constraints:List[Constraint] = List()
def this(newName:String) {
myName = newName
def name = myName
def hasValue() = informant != null
def value = {
throw new RuntimeException("""|This connector
| does not have a
| value.""".stripMargin)
def setValue(newVal:Int, informer:AnyRef) {
Tuple(hasValue(),newVal == myVal) match {
case Tuple2(false, _) => {
myVal = newVal
informant = informer
(c:Constraint) =>
{ if(c ne informer) c.informAboutValue()})
case Tuple2(true,true) => ; //ignore
case Tuple2(true,false) =>
throw new RuntimeException("Contradiction " +
newVal + " " + myVal)
def forgetValue(retractor:AnyRef) {
if(retractor eq informant) {
informant = null
(c:Constraint) =>
{ if(c ne retractor) c.informAboutNoValue() })
def connect(c:Constraint) {
constraints = c :: constraints
//===== Constraints =====
case class Adder(a:Connector,b:Connector,
c:Connector) extends Constraint {
def informAboutValue() {
match {
case Tuple3(true,true,false) =>
c.setValue(a.value + b.value, this)
case Tuple3(true,false,true) =>
b.setValue(c.value - a.value, this)
case Tuple3(false,true,true) =>
a.setValue(c.value - b.value, this)
case _ => ; //ignore
def informAboutNoValue() {
case class Multiplier(a:Connector,b:Connector,
c:Connector) extends Constraint {
def informAboutValue() {
(a.hasValue() && a.value == 0) ||
(b.hasValue() && b.value == 0),
match {
case Tuple4(_,_,true,_) =>
c.setValue(0, this)
case Tuple4(true,true,_,false) =>
c.setValue(a.value * b.value, this)
case Tuple4(true,false,_,true) =>
b.setValue(c.value / a.value, this)
case Tuple4(false,true,_,true) =>
a.setValue(c.value / b.value, this)
case _ => ; //ignore
def informAboutNoValue() {
case class Constant(value:Int,
c:Connector) extends Constraint {
c.setValue(value, this)
def informAboutValue() {
throw new RuntimeException("""|CONSTANT constraint,
| request not allowed
|.""".stripMargin) }
def informAboutNoValue() {
throw new RuntimeException("""|CONSTANT constraint,
| request not allowed
|.""".stripMargin) }
case class Probe(c:Connector) extends Constraint {
def informAboutValue() {
printProbe(c.value.toString()) }
def informAboutNoValue() {
printProbe("?") }
private def printProbe(value:String) {
println("Probe: " + + " = " + value)
//====== simulation =====
def celsiusFahrenheitConverter(c:Connector,f:Connector) {
val u = new Connector()
val v = new Connector()
val w = new Connector()
val x = new Connector()
val y = new Connector()
Multiplier(c, w, u)
Multiplier(v, x, u)
Adder(v, y, f)
Constant(9, w)
Constant(5, x)
Constant(32, y)
val C = new Connector("Celsius Temp")
val F = new Connector("Fahrenheit Temp")
C.setValue(25, 'user)
//Probe: Fahrenheit Temp = 77
//Probe: Celsius Temp = 25
F.setValue(212, 'user)
//java.lang.RuntimeException: Contradiction 212 77
//Probe: Fahrenheit Temp = ?
//Probe: Celsius Temp = ?
F.setValue(212, 'user)
//Probe: Celsius Temp = 100
//Probe: Fahrenheit Temp = 212
Monday, September 14, 2009
SICP digital circuit simulator in scala Part II
Please first read part-I of this post to get the context.
Here I am comparing the differences between my version of the simulator and Martin Odersky's version presented in his book "Programming in Scala" in chapter-18(Stateful Objects).
Overall, It is same as my version(we both are porting the same thing from same source :)). But, yet there are some differences worth noticing..
1. Inside the Simulation class(in my code its the Agenda class), he defines a type
type Action = ()=>Unit
What this does is that it creates an alias Action for the type procedure that takes no arguments and returns Unit. Now he can use Action instead of ()=>Unit everywhere and this enhances readability of the code. I did not know of this concept because its covered in a later chapter(20) in the book and I'm at chapter 18 :).
2. Another trivial difference, He made afterDelay procedure a part of Simulation class itself... I could have done same and its better.
3. He used currying in afterDelay so as to make the calls look as if its a built-in syntax. I don't agree with it... As a code reader I would not want to be confused into understanding a method call as language syntax. But, may be, As I get more experienced with this concept... I'll probably change my stand.
4. Trivial, but he exposes the usage of @unchecked in the match expression when getting next item on the agenda to suppress the warning that case set is not exhaustive as we no for sure that the missing case in question is never gonna happen.
5. Whenever I wrote scala classes and there was a collection(let say List) to be stored, I had two choices...
val l:mutableList
var l:immutableList
Now here is the conflict.. functional style says
- Prefer val over var
- Prefer immutable object over mutable object
As you can see, We can't have both here.
In the Wire class, author choses the second approach of using immutable object with var reference for storing actions. Incidentally I did the same in my code, I was not sure about my decision at the time of doing it but seeing him making the same choice tells me which rule to give preference to in case of conflict :).
However, The reason I chose immutable object was that I felt if its a mutable object and my reference(actions) is exposed publicly, anyone can get hold of it and modify the object(actions List) without Wire knowing about it.
6. The most visible(and important) difference is in the way how he managed agenda items. I implemented it exactly same as in SICP by making Segment(a pair of time, Queue) stored in a priority queue. But, he simplified it. He stored items simply in a single list making sure a new item with smaller(not matching any other item time on the list) time is added before the next later time item in the list. And, a new item is added in the end of other items added for the same time so that they are accessed in FIFO order. Now, accessing the items is so simplified.
7. For constants like delays, he uses the naming convention(described in the book also) of keeping first letter capital as in ConstantVariable.
The biggest learning for me(from point 6), I guess, is that when I port... I more or less map the code from one language to another without changing any implementation detail conceptually. I should actually see if the some implementation detail can be simplified due to new target language features or simply because it can be simplified.
Here I am comparing the differences between my version of the simulator and Martin Odersky's version presented in his book "Programming in Scala" in chapter-18(Stateful Objects).
Overall, It is same as my version(we both are porting the same thing from same source :)). But, yet there are some differences worth noticing..
1. Inside the Simulation class(in my code its the Agenda class), he defines a type
type Action = ()=>Unit
What this does is that it creates an alias Action for the type procedure that takes no arguments and returns Unit. Now he can use Action instead of ()=>Unit everywhere and this enhances readability of the code. I did not know of this concept because its covered in a later chapter(20) in the book and I'm at chapter 18 :).
2. Another trivial difference, He made afterDelay procedure a part of Simulation class itself... I could have done same and its better.
3. He used currying in afterDelay so as to make the calls look as if its a built-in syntax. I don't agree with it... As a code reader I would not want to be confused into understanding a method call as language syntax. But, may be, As I get more experienced with this concept... I'll probably change my stand.
4. Trivial, but he exposes the usage of @unchecked in the match expression when getting next item on the agenda to suppress the warning that case set is not exhaustive as we no for sure that the missing case in question is never gonna happen.
5. Whenever I wrote scala classes and there was a collection(let say List) to be stored, I had two choices...
val l:mutableList
var l:immutableList
Now here is the conflict.. functional style says
- Prefer val over var
- Prefer immutable object over mutable object
As you can see, We can't have both here.
In the Wire class, author choses the second approach of using immutable object with var reference for storing actions. Incidentally I did the same in my code, I was not sure about my decision at the time of doing it but seeing him making the same choice tells me which rule to give preference to in case of conflict :).
However, The reason I chose immutable object was that I felt if its a mutable object and my reference(actions) is exposed publicly, anyone can get hold of it and modify the object(actions List) without Wire knowing about it.
6. The most visible(and important) difference is in the way how he managed agenda items. I implemented it exactly same as in SICP by making Segment(a pair of time, Queue) stored in a priority queue. But, he simplified it. He stored items simply in a single list making sure a new item with smaller(not matching any other item time on the list) time is added before the next later time item in the list. And, a new item is added in the end of other items added for the same time so that they are accessed in FIFO order. Now, accessing the items is so simplified.
7. For constants like delays, he uses the naming convention(described in the book also) of keeping first letter capital as in ConstantVariable.
The biggest learning for me(from point 6), I guess, is that when I port... I more or less map the code from one language to another without changing any implementation detail conceptually. I should actually see if the some implementation detail can be simplified due to new target language features or simply because it can be simplified.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
SICP digital circuit simulator in scala Part I
This is a scala port of digital circuit simulator of section 3.3.4 in SICP. Martin Odersky has done same in Chapter-18(Stateful Objects) in his book Programming in Scala. Before reading his code, I wanted to write it on my own so that I can understand where I don't think *in scala* when writing code in Scala.
Next, I'll read the same port from mentioned scala book and see what I can learn from the differences.
Here is my code(I tested it on Scala version interpreter)...
Next, I'll read the same port from mentioned scala book and see what I can learn from the differences.
Here is my code(I tested it on Scala version interpreter)...
//Segment and Agenda
import scala.collection.mutable.Queue
case class Segment(val time:Int,
val queue:Queue[()=>Unit]) extends Ordered[Segment] {
require(time >= 0)
override def compare(that:Segment) = {
if(that.time == time) 0
else if(that.time < time) -1
else 1
import scala.collection.mutable.PriorityQueue
class Agenda {
private var currentTime = 0
private val timeSegments = new PriorityQueue[Segment]()
def getCurrentTime = currentTime
def addItem(time:Int, item:()=>Unit) {
getTimeSegment(time) match {
case None =>
val queue = new Queue[()=>Unit]()
queue += item
timeSegments += Segment(time, queue)
case Some(segment) => segment.queue += item
def propagate():Unit = {
if(!timeSegments.isEmpty) {
else println("Agenda Propagation Done.")
//gets first agenda item and removes it
//from the agenda
private def firstItem = {
val segment = timeSegments.max
currentTime = segment.time
val item = segment.queue.dequeue
//get the Segment matching time from timeSegments
private def getTimeSegment(time:Int) = {
val tmp = timeSegments.filter((s:Segment)=>s.time == time)
if(tmp.isEmpty) None else Some(tmp.first)
class Wire() {
var signal = false
private var actions:List[()=>Unit] = List()
def setSignal(b:Boolean) {
if(b != signal) {
signal = b
//execute all actions
actions.foreach((proc:()=>Unit) => proc())
def addAction(proc:()=>Unit) {
actions = proc :: actions
def probe(name:String, wire:Wire, agenda:Agenda) {
() =>
println(name + " " + agenda.getCurrentTime
+ " ,New Value = " + wire.signal))
def afterDelay(delay:Int, proc:() => Unit, agenda:Agenda) {
require(delay >= 0)
agenda.addItem(agenda.getCurrentTime + delay, proc)
//====================== SIMULATION ========================
val theAgenda = new Agenda()
val inverterDelay = 2
val andGateDelay = 3
val orGateDelay = 5
def inverter(in:Wire, out:Wire) = {
() => {
val newVal = !in.signal
afterDelay(inverterDelay, () =>
//and gate
def andGate(in1:Wire, in2:Wire, out:Wire) = {
val action = () => {
val newVal = in1.signal && in2.signal
() => (out.setSignal(newVal)),
theAgenda) }
//or gate
def orGate(in1:Wire, in2:Wire, out:Wire) = {
val action = () => {
val newVal = in1.signal || in2.signal
() => (out.setSignal(newVal)),
theAgenda) }
def halfAdder(in1:Wire, in2:Wire, sum:Wire, carry:Wire) = {
val t1 = new Wire()
val t2 = new Wire()
orGate(in1, in2, t1)
andGate(in1, in2, carry)
inverter(carry, t2)
andGate(t1, t2, sum)
// == Running the simulation ==
val in1 = new Wire()
val in2 = new Wire()
val sum = new Wire()
val carry = new Wire()
//sum 0 ,New Value = false
//carry 0 ,New Value = false
//sum 8 ,New Value = true
//Agenda Propagation Done.
//carry 11 ,New Value = true
//sum 16 ,New Value = false
//Agenda Propagation Done.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Discrete Maths, ProblemSet#4
These are my solutions to 4th problem set of discrete mathematics course taught at Arsdigita university by Shai Simonson. Other posts relating to this are here.
Here are my solutions...
Here are my solutions...
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Introduction to the term "ORM"
In enterprise applications we have many objects that we want to be persistent, i.e. we want their existence beyond system restarts. For it to happen one should be able to store the object state to some persistent storage and reconstruct the object from the state whenever needed. One object is a simple case, Its very usual that we need to store a whole object graph that we want to recover later.
Relational databases have been used to store data, and the technology is mature, hence its the natural choice for storing object state in relational databases.
Relational databases expose SQL based API for interaction. In java, one can use JDBC to create SQL queries, bind arguments to parameters, initiate execution of the query, scroll through the query results, retrieve values from the result-set and so on. These are very low level data access tasks; and as application developer one is more interested in solving the business problem rather than data access. So came the concept of persistence layer which should abstract all the details of data access and provide an API to business layer to deal just with the objects and not with low level stuff such as result-sets.
Let us look at some of the problems that the persistence layer faces due to paradigm mismatch between the object view and relational view of the world.
The Problem of Granularity:
If one object contains another object of different type(one and only one instance, noone else contains objects of this type). Should we create two different tables for both types or just one table having columns that take care of columns from both.
The Problem of subtypes:
How do we model inheritance in relational database.
The problem of associations:
How do we model one-to-many, many-to-many relationships.
The problem of object graph navigation:
Abstracting out the details of data access so that biz layer can navigate objects graphs in natural object oriented way like aUser.getBillingDetails().getAcoountNumber() rather than using SQL join queries.
If the application is simple enough then we can model our system relationally or may handcode the persistence layer with SQL/JDBC. Other solutions are serialization, EJB entity beans or using object-oriented database systems rather than relational databases.
ORM(Object-Relational mapper) is an attempt to create a generic piece of software that can take care of all the persistence related issues mentioned above.
It is the automated(and trasparent) persistence of objects in an application to the tables in a relational database, using metadata that describes the mapping between the objects and the database tables. ORM is supposed to provide atleast following things..
(Potential)Advantages of Using ORM: Productivity, Maintainability, Performance and Vendor Independence
Reference: Chapter 1, Hibernate in Action
Relational databases have been used to store data, and the technology is mature, hence its the natural choice for storing object state in relational databases.
Relational databases expose SQL based API for interaction. In java, one can use JDBC to create SQL queries, bind arguments to parameters, initiate execution of the query, scroll through the query results, retrieve values from the result-set and so on. These are very low level data access tasks; and as application developer one is more interested in solving the business problem rather than data access. So came the concept of persistence layer which should abstract all the details of data access and provide an API to business layer to deal just with the objects and not with low level stuff such as result-sets.
Let us look at some of the problems that the persistence layer faces due to paradigm mismatch between the object view and relational view of the world.
The Problem of Granularity:
If one object contains another object of different type(one and only one instance, noone else contains objects of this type). Should we create two different tables for both types or just one table having columns that take care of columns from both.
The Problem of subtypes:
How do we model inheritance in relational database.
The problem of associations:
How do we model one-to-many, many-to-many relationships.
The problem of object graph navigation:
Abstracting out the details of data access so that biz layer can navigate objects graphs in natural object oriented way like aUser.getBillingDetails().getAcoountNumber() rather than using SQL join queries.
If the application is simple enough then we can model our system relationally or may handcode the persistence layer with SQL/JDBC. Other solutions are serialization, EJB entity beans or using object-oriented database systems rather than relational databases.
ORM(Object-Relational mapper) is an attempt to create a generic piece of software that can take care of all the persistence related issues mentioned above.
It is the automated(and trasparent) persistence of objects in an application to the tables in a relational database, using metadata that describes the mapping between the objects and the database tables. ORM is supposed to provide atleast following things..
- An API for performing basic CRUD operations on objects of persistent classes.
- A query language based on the persistence classes and their properties.
- Facilities for specifying mapping metadata.
- Various optimization facilities like lazy association fetching, caching, automatic syncing of object state with same in database.
(Potential)Advantages of Using ORM: Productivity, Maintainability, Performance and Vendor Independence
Reference: Chapter 1, Hibernate in Action
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