Tuesday, January 26, 2010

An Unbeatable Tic-Tac-Toe (in Scala)

I'm reading AIMA-3e, implemented the AlphaBetaSearch from ch-5 on Adversarial Search. I thought it would be cool to create an actual game, so I wrote a TicTacToe implementation for the game and a game-loop to play it. You can find the code here. If you want to understand the implementation, you know what to read :P.
/** The *Unbeatable* Tic-Tac-Toe game implementation.
* Save this script in a file xyz.scala in a directory.
* Compile it with scalac: $scalac xyz.scala
* Play the game with scala: $scala Play
* @author Himanshu Gupta

/* A Search algorithm to find the best move
* given current state of the game
object AlphaBetaSearch {
def apply[S,A](state: S, game: ZeroSumGame[S,A]): A = {
val actionMinvalPairs = game.actions(state).map((a) =>
//sort the pairs in descending order of MinValue
val sorted = actionMinvalPairs.sort(_._2 > _._2)
//take the pairs with highest MinValue(they can be more than 1 also)
val bestPairs = sorted.takeWhile(sorted.head._2 == _._2)
//chose randomly one from the best
bestPairs(new scala.util.Random(new java.util.Random).nextInt(bestPairs.length))._1

private def MaxValue[S,A](state: S, alpha: Double,beta: Double, game: ZeroSumGame[S,A]): Double =
if (game.terminalTest(state)) game.utility(state)
else {
def loop(states: List[S], v: Double, alpha: Double): Double =
states match {
case s :: rest => {
val tmp = Math.max(v,MinValue(s,alpha,beta,game))
if(tmp >= beta) tmp
else loop(rest, tmp, Math.max(alpha,tmp))
case Nil => v


private def MinValue[S,A](state: S, alpha: Double, beta: Double, game: ZeroSumGame[S,A]): Double =
if (game.terminalTest(state)) game.utility(state)
else {
def loop(states: List[S], v: Double, beta: Double): Double =
states match {
case s :: rest => {
val tmp = Math.min(v,MaxValue(s,alpha,beta,game))
if(tmp <= alpha) tmp
else loop(rest, tmp, Math.min(beta,tmp))
case Nil => v


//abstract game representation
abstract class Game[P,S,A] {
def initialState: S
def player(s: S): P
def actions(s: S): List[A]
def result(s: S, a: A): S
def terminalTest(s: S): Boolean
def utility(s: S, p: P): Double

//abstract Two-player game representation
abstract class ZeroSumGame[S,A] extends Game[String,S,A] {

//In two-player, zero-sum games, the two element vector
//can be reduced to a single value because the values
//are always opposite
// -- described in Section 5.2.2
override def utility(s: S, p: String) = utility(s)
def utility(s: S): Double
object ZeroSumGame {
val Min = "MIN"
val Max = "MAX"

//Tic-Tac-Toe implementation of Two-Player Game
class TicTacToeGame extends ZeroSumGame[(String,Array[Array[Char]]),(Int,Int)] {

type Board = Array[Array[Char]]
type State = (String,Board)
type Action = (Int,Int)

private val X = 'X'
private val O = 'O'
private val nullChar: Char = 0

def initialState = (ZeroSumGame.Max,new Array[Array[Char]](3,3))

def player(s: State) = s._1

def actions(s: State) = {
(for(x <- 0 to 2;
y <- 0 to 2;
if s._2(x)(y) == nullChar) yield (x,y)).toList

def result(s: State, a: Action) =
s match {
case (ZeroSumGame.Max, board) =>
if(board(a._1)(a._2) == nullChar) {
val newBoard = cloneBoard(board)
newBoard(a._1)(a._2) = X
(ZeroSumGame.Min, newBoard)
else throw new IllegalStateException("Box at " + a + " is already filled.")
case (ZeroSumGame.Min, board) =>
if(board(a._1)(a._2) == nullChar) {
val newBoard = cloneBoard(board)
newBoard(a._1)(a._2) = O
(ZeroSumGame.Max, newBoard)
else throw new IllegalStateException("Box at " + a + " is already filled.")
case _ => throw new IllegalStateException("Not a valid player " + s._1)

def terminalTest(s: State) =
getWinner(s._2) match {
case Some(_) => true
case None => actions(s).length == 0

def utility(s: State): Double =
getWinner(s._2) match {
case Some(ZeroSumGame.Max) => 1.0
case Some(ZeroSumGame.Min) => -1.0
case None if actions(s).length == 0 => 0.5
case _ => throw new IllegalStateException("Not a terminal state." + toString(s))

def toString(state: State) = {
val board = state._2
var result = ""
for(y <- 2.until(-1,-1); x <- 0 to 2) {
result = result + (if(board(x)(y) == nullChar) "-" else board(x)(y))
if(x == 2) result = result + "\n"

//Returns the winner if game has terminated without draw,
//None otherwise
private def getWinner(board: Board): Option[String] = {
(for( x <- 0 to 2; y <- 0 to 2) yield board(x)(y)).toList match {
//the for loop results in board charaters at all the
//co-ordinates in following order
//((0,0), (0,1), (0,2), (1,0), (1,1), (1,2), (2,0), (2,1), (2,2))

case X :: X :: X :: _ :: _ :: _ :: _ :: _ :: _ :: Nil => Some(ZeroSumGame.Max)
case _ :: _ :: _ :: X :: X :: X :: _ :: _ :: _ :: Nil => Some(ZeroSumGame.Max)
case _ :: _ :: _ :: _ :: _ :: _ :: X :: X :: X :: Nil => Some(ZeroSumGame.Max)
case X :: _ :: _ :: X :: _ :: _ :: X :: _ :: _ :: Nil => Some(ZeroSumGame.Max)
case _ :: X :: _ :: _ :: X :: _ :: _ :: X :: _ :: Nil => Some(ZeroSumGame.Max)
case _ :: _ :: X :: _ :: _ :: X :: _ :: _ :: X :: Nil => Some(ZeroSumGame.Max)
case X :: _ :: _ :: _ :: X :: _ :: _ :: _ :: X :: Nil => Some(ZeroSumGame.Max)
case _ :: _ :: X :: _ :: X :: _ :: X :: _ :: _ :: Nil => Some(ZeroSumGame.Max)

case O :: O :: O :: _ :: _ :: _ :: _ :: _ :: _ :: Nil => Some(ZeroSumGame.Min)
case _ :: _ :: _ :: O :: O :: O :: _ :: _ :: _ :: Nil => Some(ZeroSumGame.Min)
case _ :: _ :: _ :: _ :: _ :: _ :: O :: O :: O :: Nil => Some(ZeroSumGame.Min)
case O :: _ :: _ :: O :: _ :: _ :: O :: _ :: _ :: Nil => Some(ZeroSumGame.Min)
case _ :: O :: _ :: _ :: O :: _ :: _ :: O :: _ :: Nil => Some(ZeroSumGame.Min)
case _ :: _ :: O :: _ :: _ :: O :: _ :: _ :: O :: Nil => Some(ZeroSumGame.Min)
case O :: _ :: _ :: _ :: O :: _ :: _ :: _ :: O :: Nil => Some(ZeroSumGame.Min)
case _ :: _ :: O :: _ :: O :: _ :: O :: _ :: _ :: Nil => Some(ZeroSumGame.Min)

case _ => None

private def cloneBoard(board: Board): Board = {
val result = new Array[Array[Char]](3,3)
for(x <- 0 to 2; y <- 0 to 2) {
result(x)(y) = board(x)(y)

import java.io.InputStreamReader
object Play {

def main(args: Array[String]) {

println("** Welcome to the *Unbeatable* Tic-Tac-Toe **")
println("*** How To Play ***")
println("Place an O at the position chosen using its x-y coordinates")
println("0 <= x,y <= 2")
println("** Let the Game Begin, I place the X first **")

val game = new TicTacToeGame()
val initState = game.initialState
val reader = new InputStreamReader(System.in)

def loop(state: (String,Array[Array[Char]])) {
//display current state of the game

if(game.terminalTest(state)) {
game.utility(state) match {
case 1.0 =>
println("You LOST the game.")
case 0.5 =>
println("Its a DRAW.")
case -1.0 =>
println("You WON the game.")
else {
//get input
println("** Your turn **")
print("Type x:")
val x = Character.getNumericValue(reader.read())
reader.read() //ignore the new-line char
print("Type y:")
val y = Character.getNumericValue(reader.read())
reader.read() //ignore another new-line char

//validate input
if(x >= 0 && x <= 2 && y >= 0 && y <= 2) {
val nextSt = game.result(state,(x,y))
else {
println("Invalid Input, Valid Input is 0 <= x,y <= 2")

How to Play:
1. Save the above code in a file, let say TicTacToe.scala in a directory.
2. Compile the code by running command $scalac TicTacToe.scala
3. Play the game by running command $scala Play

Have Fun :-)

I've played it with Scala version 2.7.6.final (Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM, Java 1.6.0_14).

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

scheme like "apply" for scala

(define (m . args) args)
#;> (m 1 2 3)
(1 2 3)
;use apply to provide same arguments stored in a list
#;> (apply m (list 1 2 3))
(1 2 3)
We can do similar thing in scala using something like following...
scala> def m(as: Int*) = as
m: (as: Int*)Int*

scala> m(1, 2, 3)
res0: Int* = Array(1, 2, 3)

If you have a scala Sequence, you can use it as follow..

scala> m(List(1, 2, 3): _*)
res1: Int* = List(1, 2, 3)

scala> m(Seq(1, 2, 3): _*)
res2: Int* = List(1, 2, 3)
Its part of function call syntax as specified in §6.6 of the Scala Reference.

"The last argument in an application may be marked as a sequence argument, e.g. e: _*. Such an argument must correspond to a repeated parameter (§4.6.2) of type S* and it must be the only argument matching this parameter (i.e. the number of formal parameters and actual arguments must be the same). Furthermore, the type of e must conform to scala.Seq[T ], for some type T which conforms to S. In this case, the argument list is transformed by replacing the sequence e with its elements. When the application uses named arguments, the vararg parameter has to be specified exactly once."