Wednesday, June 16, 2010

how to prove it - ch5, sec5.1(Functions) ex

Suppose F is a relation from A to B. Then F is called a function from A to B if for every $a \in A$ there is *exactly one* $b \in B$ s.t. $(a,b) \in F$. In other words, F is a function if
  $\forall a \in A \exists ! b \in B ((a,b) \in F)$
This unique $b \in B$ is called "the valuf of F at a", "the image of a under F", "the result of applying F on a" or just "F of a" or F(a).

If F is a function from A to B, its denoted by, F:A -> B

Often a function f from A to B is specified by giving a rule that can be used to determine f(a). However, one should always remember that such a rule is not mandatory and any subset of A X B that satisfies the requirements of function definition, is a function from A to B.

Note that, a relation is a function can be proved by proving the existence and uniqueness of a $b \in B$ for every $a \in A$.

Some Important Theorems:

1. Suppose f and g are functions from A to B. If $\forall a \in A (f(a) = g(a))$ then f = g
2. Suppose f:A -> B and g:B -> C. Then $g \circ f$:A -> C and ($g \circ f$)(a) = g(f(a)). Note that $g \circ f$ is also the composition of g and f, so all the properties of composition are still valid.


(a) Yes
(b) No, because f(1) is not unique
(c) Yes

(a) No, f(d) is undefined
(b) No, for example f(ab) = a = b
(c) Yes

(a) f(a) = b, f(b) = b, f(c) = a
(b) f(2) = 2*2 - 2(2) = 0
(c) f(pi) = f(3.14) = 3, f(-pi) = f(-3.14) = -4

(a) Rome
(b) {1,2,3}\{1,3} = {2}
(c) f(2) = (3,1)

Ex-5: $L \circ H$ is identity relation on $N$. $H \circ L$ of a city c is the name of the city that is capital of the nation that has c.

$f \circ g$(x)
= f(g(x))
= f(2x - 1)
= $\frac{1}{(2x-1)^2 + 2}$
= $\frac{1}{4x^2 + 1 - 4x + 2}$
= ${\frac{1}{4x^2 - 4x + 3}$

$g \circ f$(x)
= g(f(x))
= g($\frac{1}{x^2 + 2}$)
= $2\frac{1}{x^2 + 2} - 1$
= $\frac{2 - x^2 - 2}{x^2 + 2}$
= $\frac{-x^2}{x^2 + 2}$

Ex-7: Note: in this exercixe I'm denoting restriction of f to C as f|C
(a) Existence:
Let c be an arbitrary element of C. Since $C \subseteq A$, so $c \in A$. Since f:A -> B, so we can choose some $b \in B$ s.t. $(c,b) \in f$. Also, $(c,b) \in$ C x B. Then $(c,b) \in f \cap C x B$. Thus b = (f|C)(c).
Let c be an arbitrary clement of C. Assume b,d are arbitrary elements of B s.t. $(c,b) \in f|C$ and $(c,d) \in f|C$. Then $(c,b) \in f$ and $(c,d) \in f$. Since f is a function, so b = d.

Hence f|C is a function.

Now, prove that f(c) = f|C.
clearly $(c,f(c)) \in f$. Since f:A->B, so $f(c) \in B$ and hence $(c,f(C)) \in C x B$. Then $(c,f(c)) \in f \cap C x B$. Thus $(c,f(c)) \in f|C$. So f(c) = (f|C)(c)

(b) ($\rightarrow$) Suppose g = (f|C). Let (c,b) be an arbitrary element of g. It follows from the assumption that $(c,b) \in (f|C)$. Then $(c,b) \in f$. Since (c,b) is arbitrary, so $g \subseteq f$.
($\leftarrow$) Suppose $g \subseteq f$.
Let (c,b) be an arbitrary element of g. Since $g \subseteq f$, so $(c,b) \in f$ and also $(c,b) \in C x B$. Then $(c,b) \in f \cap C x B$. Then $(c,b) \in f|C$. Since (c,b) is arbitrary, so $g \subseteq f|C$.
Let (c,b) be an arbitrary element of f|C. Then $(c,b) \in f$ and $(c,b) \in C x B$. Since $c \in C$ and g:C -> B, so we can choose a particular $d \in B$ s.t. $(c,d) \in g$. Since $g \subseteq f$, so $(c,d) \in f$. Since $(c,b) \in f$ and and $(c,d) \in f$ and f is a function, so b = d. Since $(c,d) \in g$, so $(c,b) \in g$. Since (c,b) is arbitrary, so $(f|C) \subseteq g$.
Hence g = f|C

(c) g:$Z \rightarrow R$, g(x) = 2x + 3
h:$R \rightarrow R$, h(x) = 2x + 3

Prove that g = h|$Z$ = $h \cap Z x R$

($\rightarrow$) Let (z,2z + 3) be arbitrary element of g. Since $z \in Z$, so $z \in R$ also. Then $(z,2z + 3) \in h$. Also $(z,2z+3) \in Z x R$. Thus $(z,2z+3) \in h|Z$. Hence $g \subseteq h|Z$
($\leftarrow$) Let (r,s) be arbitrary element of h|$Z$. Then $(r,s) \in h$ and $(r,s) \in Z x R$. Then $r \in Z$ and so $(r,2r+3) \in g$. Since $(r,s) \in h$, so s = 2r + 3. Then $(r,s) \in g$. Since (r,s) is arbitrary so $h|Z \subseteq g$.

Hence g = $h|Z$

Ex-8: We will prove by contradiction that $i_A$ is the only relation on A that is equivalence relation on A and a function from A to A as well.
Proof: Suppose $i_A$ is not the only such relation. Assume there is another relation h which is equivalence relation on A and a function as well. Let (x,y) be an arbitrary element in h. Since h reflexive, so $(x,x) \in h$ as well. Since h is a function, so x = y. Then h is $i_A$.

Ex-9:In this exercise f|C denotes restriction of f to C.
(a) Existence:
Let x be an arbitrary element of $A \cup B$. Let us consider the two possible cases.
Case#1: $x \in A$
Then we can choose a particular $c \in C$ s.t. $(x,c) \in f$. Then $(x,c) \in g \cup f$

Case#2: $x \in B$
Then we can choose a particular $c \in C$ s.t. $(x,c) \in g$. Then $(x,c) \in g \cup f$

From above cases its proven that we can always find a $c \in C$ s.t. $(x,c) \in g \cup f$

Let x be an arbitrary element of $A \cup B$. Assume c,d be arbitrary elements of C s.t. $(x,c) \in g \cup f$ and $(x,d) \in g \cup f$. Let us consider all the possible cases
Case#1: $(x,c) \in g$ and $(x,d) \in g$
Then c = d

Case#2: $(x,c) \in f$ and $(x,d) \in f$
Then c = d

Case#3: $(x,c) \in f$ and $(x,d) \in g$
Since $(x,c) \in f$, so $x \in A$. Since $(x,d) \in g$, so $x \in B$. But A and B are disjoint, so x can't belong to both and hence this case is not possible

Case#4: $(x,c) \in g$ and $(x,d) \in f$
This case is also not possible for the same reason as above

Hence c = d

Thus $g \cup f$ is a function from $A \cup B$ to C.
(b) ($\rightarrow$) Suppose $f \cup g$:$A \cup B$ -> C.
Let (a,c) be an arbitrary element of f|($A \cap B$). Then $(a,c) \in f$ and $(a,c) \in A \cap B x C$. Then $a \in B$, so we can choose a particular $d \in C$ s.t. $(a,d) \in g$. Then $(a,d) \in f \cup g$. Since $(a,c) \in f$, so $(a,c) \in f \cup g$. Then c = d. Hence $(a,c) \in g$. Thus $(a,c) \in g \cap A \cap B$. Since (a,c) is arbitrary, so $f|A \cap B \subseteq g|A \cap B$
By a similar argument, we can prove that $g|A \cap B \subseteq f|A \cap B$
Hence $f|A \cap B$ = $g|A \cap B$

($\leftarrow$) Suppose $f|A \cap B$ = $g|A \cap B$.
Let x be an arbitrary element of $A \cup B$. Then either $x \in A$ or $x \in B$. In both the cases there exists some $c \in C$ s.t. $(x,c) \in f \cup g$.

Let x be an arbitrary element of $A \cup B$. Let c,d be arbitrary elements of C s.t. $(x,c) \in f \cup g$ and $(x,d) \in f \cup g$. Now let us consider all possible cases
Case#1: $(x,c) \in f$ and $(x,d) \in f$
Then c = d

Case#2: $(x,c) \in g$ and $(x,d) \in g$
Then c = d

Case#3: $(x,c) \in f$ and $(x,d) \in g$
Then $x \in A \cap B$. Since $(x,c) \in (A \cap B) x C$, so $(x,c) \in f|A \cap B$. By similar argument, $(x,d) \in g|A \cap B$. Since $f|A \cap B = g|A \cap B$, so $(x,d) \in f|A \cap B$ as well. Hence c = d

Case#4: $(x,c) \in g$ and $(x,d) \in f$
By using similar argument as above, c = d

Hence $f \cup g$:$A \cup B$ -> C

(a) Existence:
Let b be an arbitrary element of B. Since Dom(S) = B, so we can choose some $c \in C$ s.t. $(b,c) \in S$

Let b be an arbitrary element of B. Let c,d be arbitrary elements of C s.t. $(b,c) \in S$ and $(b,d) \in S$. Since Ran(R) = B, so we can choose some $a \in A$ s.t. $(a,b) \in R$. Then $(a,c) \in S \circ R$ and $(a,d) \in S \circ R$. So c = d.

Hence S:B -> C

(b) Here is such an example.
A = {1}
B = {1,2}
C = {3}

S = {(1,3),(2,3)}
R = {(1,1),(1,2)}
$S \circ R$ = {(1,3)}

(a) Suppose S is reflexive. Let x be an arbitrary element of A. $f(x) \in B$, so $(f(x),(f(x))) \in S$ because S is reflexive. Then $(x,x) \in R$. Since x is arbitrary, so R is reflexive.

Using similar arguments, we can prove part(b) and part(c) also

(a) No, Here is the counterexample.
A = {1,2}
B = {3,4,5}
f = {(1,3),(2,4)}
R = {(1,1),(2,2),(1,2)}

S = {(3,4),(3,3),(4,4)}, Its not reflexive as $(5,5) \notin S$

(b) Yes, Proof:
Suppose R is symmetric. Let (x,y) be arbitrary element of S, then we can choose u and v in A s.t.
f(u) = x
f(v) = y and $(u,v) \in R$.
Since R is symmetric, so $(v,u) \in R$ and hence $(y,x) \in S$. Since (x,y) is arbitrary, so S is symmetric.

(c) Yes, Proof:
Suppose R is transitive. Let (x,y) and (y,z) be arbitrary ordered pairs in B x B s.t. $(x,y) \in S$ and $(y,z) \in S$. Then we can choose u,v,w in A s.t.
f(u) = x
f(v) = y
f(w) = z and $(u,v) \in R$ and $(v,w) \in R$.
Since R is transitive, so $(u,w) \in R$ and hence $(x,z) \in S$. Thus S is transitive.

Note: The book solution says its not and counterexample given is wrong as R given in the example is not transitive because R = {(1,2),(3,4)} and $(1,4) \notin R$.

(a) Suppose R is reflexive. Let f be an arbitrary function in $F$ and let x be an arbitrary element of A. Then $f(x) \in B$. Since R is reflexive, so $(f(x),f(x)) \in R$. Since x is arbitrary so $(f,f) \in S$. And since f is arbitrary, so S is reflexive.

(b) Suppose R is symmetric. Let (f,g) is an arbitrary ordered pair in S. Let x be an arbitrary element of A. Then $(f(x),g(x)) \in R$. Since R is symmetric, so $(g(x),f(x)) \in R$. Then $(g,f) \in S$. Since (f,g) is arbitrary so S is symmetric.

(c) Suppose R is transitive. Let (f,g) and (g,h) be ordered pairs in S. Let x be an arbitrary element of A. Then $((f(x),g(x)) \in R$ and $(g(x),h(x)) \in R$. Since R is transitive, so $(f(x),h(x)) \in R$. Then $(f,h) \in S$. Since (f,g) and (g,h) are arbitrary so S is transitive.

(a) Let x be an arbitrary element of A.
Then, $(f \circ g)$(x) = f(g(x)) = a = f(x).

(b) Let x be an arbitrary element of A. Then $(f \circ g)$(x) = f(g(x)). Since $(f \circ g)$ = f, so f(g(x)) = f(x). Since g is arbitrary, so it can be a constant function. Let g(x) = b. Then f(b) = f(x). Since f(b) is constant and x is arbitrary, so f is a constant function.

(a) Since $\forall x > 0 (|x| = x)$, so $(|x|,x) \in R$. Thus $(f,g) \in R$.

(b) First, we prove that R is reflexive on $F$.
Since for any arbitrary x in A, any arbitrary function f in $F$, f(x) = f(x). Then $(f,f) \in R$. Since f is arbitrary, so R is reflexive.

Second, we prove that R is symmetric on $F$.
Let (f,g) be an arbitrary ordered pair in R. Then we can choose an $a \in R$ s.t. for every x > a, f(x) = g(x). Then g(x) = f(x) also. Then $(g,f) \in R$. Since (f,g) is arbitrary, so R is symmetric.

Third, we prove that R is transitive on $F$.
Let (f,g) and (g,h) be arbitrary ordered pairs in R. Then we can choose real numbers a and b s.t. for every
x > a, f(x) = g(x) and
x > b, g(x) = h(x).

Let c = maximum of a and b. Then for every x > c, f(x) = g(x) = h(x). Then $(f,h) \in R$. Since (f,g) and (g,h) are arbitrary, so R is transitive.

Hence R is equivalence relation on $F$.

(a) Proof for $f \in O(g)$:
Let a = 3 and c = 8. Then for any x > a = 3,
|f(x)| = |7x + 3| = 7x + 3 < 7x + x = 8x < 8$x^2$ = c|g(x)|
Hence $f \in O(g)$

Proof for $g \notin O(f)$:
We'll prove it by contradiction. Assume $g \in O(f)$. Then we can choose some $a \in z^+$ and $c \in R^+$ s.t.for every positive integer x > a, $|x^2| \leq c|7x + 3|$. For a x greater than a and 10c,
We have x > 10c
=> $x^2$ > 10cx ...(i)

Since $|x^2| \leq c|7x + 3|$
=> $x^2 \leq c|7x + 3x|$
=> $x^2 \leq 10cx$ ...(ii)

clearly there is a contradiction between eq (i) and (ii), so our assumption is correct and $g \notin O(f)$

(b) First, we prove that S is reflexive in $F$.
For any arbitrary function $f \in F$ and for any arbitrary x, clearly |f(x)| = |f(x)|. So $f \in O(f)$. Then $(f,f) \in S$. Since f is arbitrary, so S is reflexive.

Second, we prove that S transitive in $F$.
Let (f,g) and (g,h) be two arbitrary elements in S. Then we can choose some positive integers a,b and positive real numbers c,d s.t.
$\forall x > a (|f(x)| \leq c|g(x)|)$ and
$\forall x > b (|g(x)| \leq d|h(x)|)$

Let e be the maximum of a and b. Let x be an arbitrary integer s.t. x > e. Then
$|f(x)| \leq c|g(x)|$ and
$|g(x)| \leq d|h(x)|$

Then $|f(x)| \leq cd|h(x)|$. Since x is arbitrary, so $f \in O(h)$. Thus $(f,h) \in S$. Since (f,g) and (g,h) are arbitrary, so S is transitive.

Hence S is a preorder.

(c) Since $f_1 \in O(g)$, so we can choose some $a \in Z^+$ and $c \in R^+$ s.t. $\forall x > a (|f_1(x)| \leq c|g(x)|)$.
Since $f_2 \in O(g)$, so we can choose some $b \in Z^+$ and $d \in R^+$ s.t. $\forall x > b (|f_2(x)| \leq d|g(x)|)$.

Let e be the maximum of a and b. Then for any arbitrary positive integer x > e,
= $|sf_1(x) + tf_2(x)|$ (using triangle inequality)
$\leq s|f_1(x)| + t|f_2(x)|$
$\leq c|g(x)| + d|g(x)|$ = $(c+d)|g(x)|$

Thus $f \in O(g)$.

(a) First, we prove that R is reflexive on A.
Let x be an arbitrary element of A. Then g(x) = g(x). Then $(x,x) \in R$. Since x is arbitrary, so R is reflexive.

Second, we prove that R is symmetric on A.
Let (x,y) be arbitrary element of R. Then g(x) = g(y). Then g(y) = g(x). Then $(y,x) \in R$. Since (x,y) is arbitrary, so R is symmetric.

Third, we prove that R is transitive on A.
Let (x,y) and (y,z) be arbitrary elements of R. Then g(x) = g(y) = g(z). Then $(x,z) \in R$. Since (x,y) and (y,z) are arbitrary, so R is transitive.

Hence R is equivalence relation on A.

(b) ($\rightarrow$) Let (x,y) be arbitrary element of R. Since R is equivalence relation, hence symmetric. Then $(y,x) \in R$. So $[x]_R = [y]_R$. Then g(x) = g(y). Since (x,y) is arbitrary so $R \subseteq \{(x,y) \in AxA | g(x) = g(y)\}$.
($\leftarrow$) Let (x,y) be arbitrary element of {$(x,y) \in AxA | g(x) = g(y)$}. Then g(x) = g(y). Then $[x]_R = [y]_R$. Then $(x,y) \in R$. Since (x,y) is arbitrary so $\{(x,y) \in AxA | g(x) = g(y)\} \subseteq R$

Hence R = {$(x,y) \in AxA | g(x) = g(y)$}

Let us consider h = {$(X,y) \in A/R x B | \exists x \in X (f(x) = y)$}

clearly $([x]_R,x) \in h$ as f(x) = f(x)

Let say there exists another function g s.t. g($[x]_R$) = f(x).
Let (X,y) be arbitrary element of g. Since Dom(g) = A/R. So we can choose some $x \in A$ s.t. $[x]_R = X$ and then $y = f(x)$. Then $(X,y) \in h$, where h is choosen above. so, $g \subseteq h$. Also, clearly using the similar argument $h \subseteq g$. So h = g. hence h is unique.

(b) Let x,y be arbitrary elements of A s.t. xRy. Since R is symmetric, so yRx also. Hence $[x]_R = [y]_R$. Then $h[x]_R = h[y]_R$. Then f(x) = f(y). Since x and y are arbitrary, so we can say that $\forall x \in A \forall y \in A (xRy \rightarrow f(x) = f(y))$

(a) Assume a function f s.t. f(x) = $[x^2]_R$
Let (x,y) be arbitrary element of R.
Then x $\equiv$ y(mod m)
so, we can choose some $k \in Z$ s.t.
x - y = km
=> x = y + km
=> $x^2 = y^2 + k^2m^2 + 2ykm$
=> $x^2 - y^2 = m(k^2m + 2yk)$

Since $(k^2m + 2yk)$ is also an integer, so $x^2 \equiv y^2$(mod m). Thus $(x^2,y^2) \in R$. Since R is equivalence relation, so $[x^2]_R = [y^2]_R$. So f(x) = f(y). Since x and y are arbitrary so f is compatible with R.

So using the result of Ex-18(a), we can say that there exists an unique function h s.t. h($[x]_R$) = f(x) = $[x^2]_R$

(b) We will prove it by contradiction. Assume there exists a function h:Z/R -> Z/R s.t. h($[x]_R$) = $[2^x]_R$.
Let (x,y) be arbitrary element in R. Then $[x]_R = [y]_R$. Then $h([x]_R) = h([y]_R)$. Then $[2^x]_R = [2^y]_R$. Then $(2^x,2^y) \in R$.
Then $2^x \equiv 2^y$(mod m)

So we can choose an integer k s.t.
$2^x - 2^y$ = km ...(i)

Since $(x,y) \in R$ also so x $\equiv$ y(mod m). Hence we can choose an integer l s.t. (x - y) = lm ...(ii)

From eq(i) and eq(ii) we get
$\frac{2^x - 2^y}{x - y}$ = $\frac{k}{l}$

RHS is a constant, but LHS can't be, which is a contradiction and hence such a function as assumed can not exist.

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